The parents tended to solve the problems that brought care of the children ending their lives, this influenced the mentality of the children who survived, since they adopted the same solutions as they grew up. -
Change of childs perception
During the XII century the church decreed that a man could not sell his son as a slave after the age of seven. This was the beginning of the erasure of this practice that lasted until the modern era. -
little by little, the parents recognized the children as the possessor of a body and soul, they began to avoid their upbringing by giving them up. giving them to monasteries, adoption families, convents, or simply abandoned them -
wrapped children
The belief that children were about to become absolutely evil beings is one of the reasons why they were tied or tarnished, tightly fastened in girdles, for so long. The reasons given to justify wrapping in bandages or girdles in other times are the same as those who practice it in Eastern Europe today: You have to hold the child because if he would not tear off his ears, he would take his eyes out, break his legs or touch his genitals -
At the time when children were allowed to enter the parents' emotional life, they were given the education to intervene as little as possible and to be as tolerable as possible. -
infanticide continuation
The infanticide continued to be presented throughout history, and although its presence declined it was still seen in countries like Russia -
parenting interes
At this time, families began to be interested in the education of children and the importance of communication in the upbringing of children was understood. -
Change of Mind.
At this time, the needs of children are known and interest arises in giving them the best conditions for growth. therefore parents begin to get more and more involved