Conception of childhood

  • 753 BCE

    Childhood in ancient Rome: the polis

    Childhood in ancient Rome: the polis
    In ancient times, specifically in ancient Rome, childhood was seen not as a stage, but as a transition that we all had to go through in which we had to forge values ​​such as discipline, especially the children of the aristocracy, with the objective of learning the laws of the Polis and contributing to it (as a slave, politician or warrior).
  • 1230

    Childhood around original sin

    Childhood around original sin
    In middle age, children are educated to honor God. they experience a change of status from a lower degree (childhood) to a higher one (adulthood).
    In this time, it is the church that is in charge of education and not the state as in the ancient age.
    This stage revolves around the idea of ​​"original sin" which is why the child is considered a perverse and corrupt soul.
    -Thomas de Aquino: "Only time can heal childhood, and its

    There is no empathy towards children at this time, so childhood can be very frustrating and not very nice for them.
    In addition, the children suffered from many punishments.
  • Children are not bad

    Children are not bad
    Children are described as good by nature, so childhood is an innocent stage, unlike the middle ages, where it was seen as corrupt.
    Schooling based only on knowledge is criticized and practices are prioritized, where the home has an important role for the integral and complete formation of the child.
    An inclusive childhood is experienced, where both girls and boys can attend school.
  • Renaissance childhood

    Renaissance childhood
    During this period, childhood is considered one of the important stages in which it determines how a person will be depending on the experiences and habits that the child lives.
    Locke:philosopher of the time, raises the "tabula rasa" where he says that we are born with a blank mind and that we forge ourselves with experiences.
    Schooling becomes a very relevant issue thanks to children's free time with the massive arrival of the industrial revolution and the bourgeoisie reducing child labour.
  • Concern for children

    Concern for children
    At this stage, there is greater empathy with the child. Many charitable models are created in which the welfare of child development is prioritized.
  • Importance of home

    Importance of home
    At this time, parents very closely assume the teaching of values for children from home, without minimizing the importance of school for the correct forging of knowledge
  • Freud: psychoanalysis

    Freud: psychoanalysis
    Freud says that the main motive of life, manifested from our earliest childhood, is the search for pleasure. The child seeks what is pleasant and avoids what is painful. This search-avoidance process occurs in various ways, throughout our existence.
  • children's rights

    children's rights
    From the middle of the 19th century, the idea of offering special protection to children arose in France; this allowed the progressive development of the rights of minors.

    childhood is seen from a more integrated point of view, where parents are in charge of always providing protection and economic, emotional well-being, etc. to his children.
    In addition, today they have many more opportunities and gender equality.