Computing, programing and data

  • First algorithmatic programing

    1945 was the year a machine was made to handle logarithmic equations on a large and efficient scale. The project was called Plan Calculus and its inventor was a German man named Konrad Zuse. It was the first computer-like machine with a programming language to take in algorithms and solve them.
  • A usable language for the Calculus plan

    The calculus plan couldn't really be controlled directly by writing different commands to it, that problem was solved by a mathematician named Grace Hopper. He made a usable programming language that looked like english sentences, he called this language A-0 but the name was later changed to COBAL, which till this day is used in some systems.
  • APARENT Networking

    Lawrence Roberts was the first man to create and publish a working computer network, he made it 1967. This was made to use efficient packet-switching technology. His idea made it possible to establish ARPANET two years later. It was installed at the initial node at a university in Los Angeles. The network eventually expanded to link computers at four colleges in California and Utah. Today, schools and businesses still use networks that incorporate some of ARPANET’s technology.
  • The first personal computer

    The first ever personal computer was invented by John Blankebaker in 1971 in his own garage. He named it The Kenbak-1 and started at the price of $750, it didn't have a keyboard, instead it used switches for different comandos. It only had a memory of 256 characters and it was only made and ordered in 40 units before Blankenbaker discontinued it. Unlike today's computers he was missing a microprocessor(an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work).
  • A better version of a personal computer

    While John Blankebaker was the first to make a personal computer, in 1973 The Micral N became the first personal computer with space-saving technology. It means it could hold up to more than 256 characters and it could store information for a longer time. This french unit started selling for $1,700 in 1973, the same year John Blankenbaker computer company went out of business.
  • The creation of the world wide web

    In 1990 an English computer scientist named TIm Berners-Lee created, as we know it today, the world wide web. It started by introducing URLs, a hypertext transfer protocol and the online programming language HTML. This spread world wide and people continued to use these technologies to operate and access millions of websites. In the same year Berners-Lee developed and established the first ever working website. By his contributions the world wide web is far more useful for the everyday man.