Computing Historic Timeline

  • Mechanical Keyboard

    Mechanical Keyboard
    The Mechanical Keyboard was a important invention originally stemming from the idea of type writers although making data entry much more efficient.There is no clear cut create of the Mechanical key board however it was largely popularized by IBM in the 1970's.
  • The Microprocessor

    The Microprocessor
    The microprocessor was a key invention in computing originally being designed by Ted Hoff and Frederico Faggin both working for Intel at the time.The microprocessor was able to carry out binary inputs in such a small form factor was very important at the time it was made being used for multiple things such as digital watches and calculators.
  • LCD Monitor / TV

    LCD Monitor / TV
    The invention of the LCD Monitor is important because of how much it has adapted into everyday life. The first consumer LCD Monitor was made by James Fergason partially because of the patients held on the Liquid crystal that make up the LCD panel.
  • Liquid Cooling System

    Liquid Cooling System
    The inventor of the liquid cooling system was Seymour Cray which was originally designed for the super computer he was working on the Cray-1. This was a turning point because liquid cooling is so much more efficient then air cooling a computer which improved the performance of the PC.
  • Solid State Drive

    Solid State Drive
    Like many other computing technologies the SSD or Solid State Drive was derived through early card capacity readers and magnetic core memory. Advances of these throughout the 1980's because the introduction of the SSD becoming more commonly used in the upcoming 2000's. The SSD made memory reading so much faster instead of using the standard HDD or Hard Disk Drive which takes longer to read your disk.