Ralph Baer
Creator of the Odyssey, the first gaming console -
alan kay
He is one of the earliest pioneers of object-oriented programming, personal computing, and graphical user interfaces. His contributions have been recognized with the Charles Stark Draper Prize of the National Academy of Engineering[1] "for the vision, conception, and development of the first practical networked personal computers" the Alan. M. Turing Award from the Association of Computing Machinery "for pioneering many of the ideas at the root of contemporary object-oriented programming langua -
Vinton Cerf
Cerf is the co-inventor of the architecture and basic protocols of the Internet -
Alan Cooper
American software designer and programmer -
Steve Jobs
Inventor & Co-Founder of Apple -
Tim Berners-Lee
He is the inventor of the World Wide Web. He first made the idea and proposed it in March of 1989. Then in mid November, he made successfully made the connection of HTTP client to a server. -
james gosling
Major contributions to advances in the technology for construction of distributed computing system trough invention of the java language system