First Computer
Charles Babbage creaters the first computer or "Differance Engine" In Britain -
First Interactive Game
2 years after WW2 Thomas T. Goldsmith and Estle Ray Mann created a missile simulater game on a cathode ray tube. -
Worlds First Transistor Computer
The Universaty Of Mancherster created what is now known as the worlds first transistor computer as an expermental device -
First Computer Mouse
Douglas Engelbart Created the first computer mouse at Stanford Research Institute in 1963 and displayed it to the public in 1968 -
First Games Console
The 'Brown Box' was created in Germany by Ralph Baer, 12 games were made for it -
Internet Invented
Created by Advanced Research Projects Agency and many major universitys the internet was used mainly by the millitery and sciantists -
First Email Sent
Ray Tomlinson, an american computer programer sent the first email. He described what was sent as "insignificent" -
First Sucsessful Video Game
'Pong' By Atari was the first sucsessful video game and in 1975 Atari reliced their home edititon of Pong again, a huge sucsess. -
First Online Multiplayer Game
The first Online Multiplayer Game was created by Roy Trubshaw, a student at Essex Universaty. It was a simple text based game and is still playable today. -
Apple I launched
The Apple I, desingned by Steave Jobs was not a commertial sucsess but was the start of the extreamaly sucsessful line of apple products. -
First Handheld Game
Distributed by Milton-Bradley and featuring interchangeable game cartridges Microvision was the first handheld game and fetured the early inspiration for the D-Pad -
First 3D Game For Home Use
3D Monster Maze was developed by Malcolm Evans in 1981 for the Sinclair ZX81 platform. -
First 8 Bit Console
The Nintendo Entertainment System was Nintendos bestselling console. A huge sucsess in both Japan and the westen world -
First Pokemon Game
Pokemon Red and Green was released in Japan for gameboy color in 1996. Created by Satoshi Tajir and devoped by Game Freak, It is now the second best selling video game series. It now has six generations of games a spin off TV show and a Spin off card game as well as a huge fanbase. -
Google founded
Founded in Menlo Park, California by Larry Page, Sergey Brin Google is now the most poupuler website on the whole World Wide Web. -
First to 50 million followers
Katy Perry hit 50 million followers on twitter on the 2nd of febuary 2014 -
Facebook surpasses Myspace
Myspace lost its throne in 2004 to soical networking giant Facebook -
Facebook invented
In 2004 Mark Zuckerberg a student at Harvard Universaty created facebook, he intended it to be used by students at the university. It is now a global sensation -
Youtube Launched
Created in San Bruno, California by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim and now owned by Google. Youtube is now the worlds most poupuler video shareing website. -
First Youtube Video
'Me At The Zoo' Was the first video ever on youtube, its historical significence has got it over 1 million hits -
First Facebook Post
The first ever thing to be posted on facebook was Mark Zuckerbergs profile image -
Right To Be Foggoten Court Case
The right to be foggoten court case was opend in 2006 and has since been open to much contreverces. -
First tweet
The First tweet was from twitters co founder Jack Dorsley it stated 'just setting up my twittr' -
Tumblr Launched
In 2007 David Karp Launched Tumblr an online microblogging platform. -
Minecraft Released
The first version of Minecraft "Alpha" was created by Sweedish developer Markus "Notch" Persson and has since had many updates to become what it is today. It is now hugely poupuler all over the world. -
Instagram launched
Created by in America by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram is a photo sharing platform with huge poupularity. -
Minecraft Pocket Edition Reliced
A Huge Sucess Minecraft Pocket Editionj was reliced by Mojang in 2011. Unlike the PC version that was written in Java Minecraft Poket edition is written in C++ -
Pottermore realeased
JK Rowling partnerd with Sony to craete Pottermore a interactive website focusing on the unknown parts of Harry Potter -
25% of the world uses soical media
In 2014 25% of the world were using soical network. -
Sony Hacked
Prior to the releace of 'the interview' North Korian Hackers Hacked into Sonys database and realeace hoards of infomation. -
Water proof iphone
Many speculate that the iphone 7 will be fully waterproof, like many smartphones today -
Although coming out now, I think that hoverboards will be in genral use by 2019 -
Self driving car
In 2014 Google unveild the prototype for their driveless car I think that by 2022 It will be availabe to the public -
Commonplace Space Travel
Space travel has already been launched and soon the first commoneral space flight will bge launched. However I do not think it will be commonplace until 2025