computers-Melissa Ryan

By mlryan
  • holes in card

    the first electironc way to compile and anlize infromation.
  • von Neumann architecture

    compouter based program

    electroinc numerical intergrator incorperated with artith logic units.
  • high-level programming language

    any programing launges that makes it simpler to to prgram.
  • Apple

    invinted by steve jobs

    first comerical computer
  • first electronic spreadsheet

    orginzged data in colums and rows helped buniess.
  • the analytical machine

    arthic logic unit conrtol flow.
  • UNIX operating sytem

    family muiltasking user computer system and it origanted at AT&T.
  • CRAY-1

    firest supercomputers used by bunisses.
  • floppy disk

    holds little data now used are thumb drives hold more data.
  • PC

    personal computers
  • Macintosh

    the first computer by apple some say its the first "personal computers'
  • Windows

    a software that used internet like google.