
Computer Timeline

  • The First Mechancial Computer

    The First Mechancial Computer
    in 1822, Charles Babbage conceptualized ad begun developing the Difference Engine, considered to be the first automatic computing machine.
  • Typewriter

    the typewriter was invented in 1868 by Americans Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • The Second Computer

    The Second Computer
    The ENIAC was invented in 1946 by
  • The First Personal Computer

    The First Personal Computer
    the first personal computer wasin invented by Ed Roberts in 1971
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    the personal computer was invented by Steve Wozniak in 1975
  • The First Laptop

    The First Laptop
    Adam Osborne invented the laptop in 1981 called the 'Osborne 1' and costed $1,795. It came bundled with $1,500 worth of programmes. It had a tiny computer screen built into it.
  • The Tablet

    The Tablet
    Microsoft invented the tablet in 2002.
  • Laptop

    The laptop, often called a notebook
  • Computer/Tablet

    the computer/tablet is the product of the evolution of the tablet. its a tablet with a detachable keyboard at the bottom.