The first computer was invented in February 15,1946, and was invented by Charles Babbage. -
ccomputers in the early ages.
Computers in the early ages were like they looked as if they were on a wooden board and there was beads inside on the 10 colum board and every colum represents a addition subtraction multiplication and division and thats how they did things like homework if they had any and how they would collect bills and also it would help if they di d things like store wise to see how much they would calculate how much they would have to sell there products for samd ect. -
The things i can do on computers now that have changed
Some of the things i can do on computers no that i wasnt able to do on them before was getting on the internet searching up things such as answers to homework and/or doing simple thiings as projects where you can get imformation at to define more of things and learn more with a computer. -
Some simple little facts:
~It is scientifically proven that using computers is alot more healthier for our planet instead of cutting trees down we can put it somewhere where it wont ever get lost, ruined, crumpled, or thrown away!
~Anouther good reson why its good to have computers is because you can do anything like class work for kids at school can have there work right infront of them saved on the computer! -
Why we have these things you ask?
Well they say that in less then two years or so a smart phone could be your only computer. Meaning if you may not have a smart phone or any computer theres a chance that yoou wont be able to do any of the things as a smart phone can do for you on the go like could do my homework when im walking home on the computer -
Why did they decide to invent something as simple as a computer.
Well they could have decided to do something like this becasuse maybe they realized that a board with bead in it wasnt good enough so they would have decide to step up in the world and make something that coould keep their imformatiion safe to where no one could access your imformation. -
Hoow they changed over the years.
Well lets see how they changed from the1940's till now! well like i said in the last page or slide or whatever they had started out by having a board with bead in it to like what they call now a "printer"to a 3D looking computer and it had a monitor on the side of it and then it went to a bigger one then it went to like laptops and then it went to um tablet like things last but not least it went to cell phones (smart phones).