Computers 2000

By Va23466
  • Sony PlayStation 2

    Sony PlayStation 2
    Sony releases PlayStation 2 after the first PlayStation became a huge hit. PS2’s processor is a lot fast than the first and many more games that came out that year were made for PS2.
  • Microsoft Xbox

    Microsoft Xbox
    Microsoft enter the gaming world with their own gaming console Xbox. It was hailed for its high quality graphics and being able to play multiplayer with friends online with Xbox Live Chat.
  • Apple PowerMac G5

    Apple PowerMac G5
    Apple releases the giant 64-bit personal computer and was named #3 fastest computers for that year. Featured dual-core PowerPC processors and PCI graphic cards delivered cutting edge graphics.
  • Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services
    It included Amazon Cloud 2 and Amazon Storage Service. EC2 allowed users to rent virtual time on the cloud to scale server capacity quickly and efficiently. Use of the cloud eliminates the need for a company to maintain a complex computing infrastructure on their own.
  • Hitachi 1TB hard disk drive

    Hitachi 1TB hard disk drive
    Hitachi Global Storage Technologies announces the first 1 TB hard disk drive and the Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000 used five 3.5-inch 200 GB platters and rotated at 7,200 RPM.