ABC Computer
ABC Computer first realesed to public during the period of 1937- 1942. It was designed to solve systems of algerbric problems. It is capable of solving numerous math equations. -
Harvard Mark I Computer
It was used for analog computing in Massachussetts and it was used to calculate in W11 -
The Transistor
It is used to switch and amplify signals. -
The Spaceware Computer Game
At that time it provided a game that people could play in their spare time. -
Computer Mouse and Windows
Intel 1103 Computer Memory
It is used as a chip nd a memory stick. -
Floppy Disk
It was used for data transferring and data handling. -
Apple Lisa
It was one of the first computers to offer graphic user inteferance and it is also one of the two Apple debut computes. -
It was one of the debut of Apple. Apple 's first start. -
Microsoft Windows
It was a new software that could connect and use between the computer and the user.