The 414s
The 414s break into 60 computer systems at institutions ranging from the Los Alamos Laboratories to Manhattan's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. -
The Christmas Tree EXEC "worm" causes major disruption to the VNET, BITNET and EARN networks. -
Robert T. Morris launches a worm on the government's ARPAnet .The worm spreads to 6,000 networked computers, clogging government and university systems. -
FTP, Hotline, IRC and Usenet.
The MP3 format gains popularity in the hacker world. Many hackers begin setting up sharing sites via FTP, Hotline, IRC and Usenet. -
The Melissa worm is released and quickly becomes the most costly malware outbreak to date. -
The ILOVEYOU worm, also known as VBS/Loveletter and Love Bug worm, is a computer worm written in VBScript. It infected millions of computers worldwide within a few hours of its release. It is considered to be one of the most damaging worms ever. -
A Dutch cracker releases the Anna Kournikova virus, initiating a wave of viruses that tempts users to open the infected attachment by promising a sexy picture of the Russian tennis star. -
Klez.H, a variant of the worm discovered in November 2001, becomes the biggest malware outbreak in terms of machines infected, but causes little monetary damage. -
The hacker group Anonymous was formed. -
Kama, Black Worm, Mywife, Blackmal, Nyxem version D, Kapser, KillAV, Grew and CME-24.
A new worm was discovered. It had various names, including Kama, Black Worm, Mywife, Blackmal, Nyxem version D, Kapser, KillAV, Grew and CME-24. The worm would spread through e-mail client address books, and would search for documents and fill them with garbage. It would also hit a web page counter when it took control, allowing the programmer who created it as well as the world to track the progress of the worm. It would replace documents with random garbage on the third of every month.