Computer Timeline

  • First Laptop invented

    First Laptop invented
    The first Laptop invented wasn't much of a laptop at all. It weighed 25 pounds and was just called a portable computer. It was designed by Alan Kay at Xerox and took many years to produce. It had a 5 inch screen and cost $1,800.
  • Internet Invented

    Internet Invented
    Internet was released in 1983 and was a means for computers to "communicate" with each other. It was invented by Tim Berners - Lee. Although the internet was worked on by many Tim was responsible for the World Wide Web.
  • First Apple Computer

    First Apple Computer
    The first personal Macintosh Computer was released in 1984. Invented by Steve Jobs, it came with a mouse and keyboard and was innovative because it came with a handle on top to help carry. Also was beginning of big times for Apple Inc.
  • First Nintendo Gaming Console

    First Nintendo Gaming Console
    The first Nintendo Game Console called the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) was released in 1985. At the time it cost $150. It came with 30 games and was groundbreaking.
  • First Apple "laptop"

    First Apple "laptop"
    Also not very portable this Apple computer weighed in at 16 pounds. It was a hit at the time although very expensive. It cost around $7,300 at the time. It was discontinued in October 1991 for having too many problems.