
Computer timeline


    UNIVersal Atomatic Computer or UNIVACWas introduced in 1951 made in the United States and designed principally by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. It was the first commertial computer produced in the USA. I chose this Because I thought that it was important to include the first computer produced in the USA.
  • Silicon Chip

    Silicon Chip
    The first integrated Siolicon Chip made by Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce, Two US citizens. It was the first SIlicon chip that started a whole new erra wich is the reason I chose the Silicon chip.
  • The first computer game

    The first computer game
    The first computer game is called Spacewar ade by Steve Russell & MIT. Taking a total of 200 man hours to write up the game. two-player game involving warring spaceships firing photon torpedoes. I chose this event because it started a whole new erra ove video games witch people love.
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    IBM creates the first floppy disk. A dik that magneticaly stores information. the floppy diskk is as 8-inch (200 mm) media and later in 5.25-inch (133 mm) and 3.5-inch (89 mm) sizes. Which is huge for nowsays standards but small for the 60s. I chose this because it was a start to the magnetic storage and that helped lead to todays knoledge.
  • RAM

    RAM or random-access memory is a fo of computer data storage that can be access quickly. The RAM allows the programs to opperate. I chose this because it is one of the biggest inventions ever, we still use it to this day.
  • E-mail

    E-mail or electronic mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson. E-maikl made it alot easier to comunicate from one person to another. E-mail is use through the internet. I chose this event because it plays a major part in my life, without it I could not comunicate with my coach and grandparents.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft manufactures, licenses and supports a huge range of products and services related to computing. Founded by bill Gates and paul Allen making it one of the worlds most valuable companiest ever. I chose this because MIcrosoft is pretty much what you think of when you think of computers, everyone knows it they make great computers and ect.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company located in Kyoto, Japan was the start of major video games/systems. Still being use and 3rd most valuable company in the world is makig billions. I chose to pout this in my time line because it started a bunch of other companies such as playstation and X-box making more jobs for the future.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web (www.) is launched to the public on August 6, 1991. The World Wide Web is what allowes us to view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks. I chose this because I think that it will be used for a log time and makes life easier because it helps with education.
  • EBay

    Ebay is the leading online shoppping webpage. People make money off of the website and it helps reduce polution because people hand it down instead of making a whole new thing. I chose Ebay because I buy stuff off it all the time and it started online shopping.