
Computer Timeline

By 9508757
  • Calculating Clock

    Calculating Clock
    William Schikard invents the first mechanical calculator, the Calculating Clock. It consisted of a six-digit machine that could add or subtract. I chose this because it's the first mechanical calculator, one that doesn't require shifting beads.
  • Multiplying Calculator

    Multiplying Calculator
    3rd Earl of Stanhope creates the 1st multiplying calculator. I chose this because it was more reliable than other calculators, more advanced, and it was the first multiplying calculator!
  • Punch Card Looms

    Punch Card Looms
    Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents automated looms which use punch-carads to represent complex patterns. I chose this because it was very advanced for back then and it was the first step to machinery factories.
  • flip-flop circuit

    flip-flop circuit
    Two American physicists, Eccles and Jordan, invent flip-flop circuit, necessary for high-speed electronic calculation. It has two stable states and can be used to store state information. I chose these because they are essential for high-speed electronic calculation and they made it possible.
  • Z1

    Zuse presents Z1, the first programmable calculating machine. It is a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator. I chose it as a milestone because it was programmable and it advanced us. It was more controllable than those in the past.
  • Magnetic Memory

    Magnetic Memory
    Jay Forester develops magnetic memory at M.I.T. It was the pre-dominant form of random-access memory for twenty years. I selected this as a milestone because it changed the world of computers and memory and made things a lot easier. It was very popular for twenty years.
  • First hard drive

    First hard drive
    BIM makes the first hard drive. It stores and retrieves digital information. I chose hard drive as a milestone because they're portable storage that is easier and quicker than secondary storage before.
  • Mouse

    Douglas Englebart develops the first mouse. It is a pointing device that functions by detecting motion relative to its supporting surface. I chose this because this took GUI to a new level. Instead of having to type in commands, you can just click on an icon!
  • Compact Disk

    Compact Disk
    Compact Disk is introduced by Sony. It is an optical disk used to store digital data. CD's have taken us very far. CD's have many uses.
  • DVD

    In 1996, the DVD was produced. DVD' is an optical disc storage format. They offer higher capacity than CDs. I chose these because they have an enormous storage capacity and have changed the way we live today.