Computer Timeline

  • First mechanical Computer

    First mechanical Computer
    Charles Babbage: Charles Babbage designs his first mechanical computer
  • Typewritter

    The first typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt. It's slow and clumsy, but it's the first writing machine.
  • Telegraph

    The first telegraph was invented.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Analytical Engine: The Analytical Engine was invented by Charles Babbage
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Morse Code: Samuel Morse invents the morse code.
  • First Mesage

    First Mesage
    Morse sends the first telegraphic message from Washington to Baltimore.
  • Printing Calculator

    Printing Calculator
    Scheutz invents the first printing calculator
  • Nikola Tesla

     Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla: Remote control was invented by Nikola Tesla
  • William DeForest

    William DeForest
    William DeForest invents the vacuum tube
  • Konrad Zuse

    	Konrad Zuse
    Konrad Zuse: Konrad Zuse creates the Z1 Computer a binary digital computer using punch tape
  • A lot happened

    A lot happened
    George Stibitz: George Stibitz develops the Complex Number Calculator - a foundation for digital computers Hewlett Packard: William Hewlett and David Packard start Hewlett Packard John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry: John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry develop the ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer) prototype
  • Hitler

    Enigma: Adolf Hitler uses the Enigma encryption machine
  • Silicon chip

    Silicon chip
    Silicon chip: The first integrated circuit, or silicon chip, is produced by the US Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
  • Computer Game

    Computer Game
    The first computer game: The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse (nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end)
  • Pocket Calculator

    Pocket Calculator
    Pocket calculator: Pocket calculator was invented by Sharp Corporation
  • Computer Use

    Computer Use
    More than 10 million computers are in use in the United States
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web: The World Wide Web is launched to the public on August 6, 1991

    YAHOO: YAHOO is created in April, 1994.
  • Google

    Google: Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998
  • Pay Pal

    Pay Pal
    PayPal is founded by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin
  • Xbox

    Xbox: Bill Gates introduces the Xbox on January 7th 2001
  • Skype

    Skype announces that it has over 100 million registered users.
  • Iphone

    The first iPhone is introduced to Apple
  • iPad

    Apple releases iPad