Computer Technology in the 1970's

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  • Floppy Disk is invented

    Floppy Disk is invented
    Alan Shugart led a team of engineers to invent the floppy disk. At the time, the floppy disk revolutionized how data can be saved and enabled its portability.
  • World's 1st Laser Printer is invented

    World's 1st Laser Printer is invented
    Physicist Gary Starkweather partners with Xerox Palo Alto Research Center to create the first laser printer in the world. Marketed as the Xerox 9700, it was a massive success and Starkweather helped launch a new era in computer printing.
  • Microsoft is founded

    Microsoft is founded
    Microsoft is founded by two friends, Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Together they develop software for the Altair 8800 which gave this personal computer its first programming language. In turn, owners of the Altair PC could write its own programs.
  • Ethernet system is created

    Ethernet system is created
    Robert Metcalfe developed an ethernet cable that would allow for computers to share data, connect to printers, and other servers at high speeds. To this day, we continue to use this system developed by Metcalfe via the use of ethernet cables.
  • Apple I released

    Apple I released
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-found Apple Computer. This is only the first of many inventions to come from Apple and was only the first sign of the impact this company would have in our everyday lives in the near future.