Computer Systems Timeline

  • Camera Phones

    Camera Phones
    Camera phones allowed people to instantly take videos and pictures. This caused a major blow in the digital camera industry. Kahn's created this picture phone to capture his daughter's first moments on earth.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was created in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurly, and Jawed Karim. Youtube changed social media by inviting the sharing of videos that everyone could view. This made social media seem more inviting and enticing because people wanted to watch other people.
  • Silicon Chips

    Silicon Chips
    In 2008, the medical world was drastically changed with the introduction of Silicon chips. These created the option to monitor drugs inside a persons' system. They are chips you could swallow that helped inside and out. They were created by George Sharp.
  • Electric Vehicles

    Electric Vehicles
    In 2010, electric vehicles like the Chevy Volt and Nissan LEAF were created to help the environment by fewer greenhouse gasses and air pollution being released. These cars were created by General Motors and of course, Nissan.
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
    Windows 8 was created by Microsoft in 2012. This program introduced changes to operate more smoothly and create a more positive experience for consumers. Now, it is considered one of the worst but was needed to grow into what it is today.