Ibm pc

Computer Programming History

  • Period: to

    Computer Programming Language Timeline

  • Plankalkül

    Creators:Konrad Zuse
    Purpose: designed for engineering applications; never actually created (conceptual)
    Name: German for Plan Calculus
  • Fortran

    Creators: John Backus and IBM
    Purpose: To create a more practical language then machine language
    Name: Formula Translating System
  • Lisp

    Creators: John McCarthy
    Purpose: To provide intuitive mathematical notations for programmers
    Name: LISt Processing
  • RPG

    Creators: IBM
    Purpose: To createe reports from data files
    Name:Report Program Generator

    Creators: Grace Hopper, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet
    Purpose: To create a common, bussiness oriented language to make programming for bussinesses cheaper, simpler and easier.
    Name: COmmon Business-Oriented Language

    Creators:John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz
    Purpose:To enable students not in the fields other than math and science to use computers.
    Name:Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • Logo

    Creators: Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert
    Purpose: To create a language that allowed kids to play with words and sentences
    Name: Named after greek word "logos", meaning thought
  • B

    Creators: Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
    Purpose:To create a simple version of BCPL able to fit within the memory capacity of microcomputers
    Name: Not known for sure, may be a contraction of BCPL
  • Pascal

    Creators: Niklaus Wirth
    Purpose: To make an introductory language for students
    Name: Named after the french mathmatician Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Creators:Dennis Ritchie
    Purpose: To create a language that would allow low-level access memory, have a simple compiler, a more intuititive language, etc
    Name: Named C because many things in it were based off of B
  • ML

    Creators: Robin Milner and a group from the University of Edinburgh
    Purpose: Was created to improve proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover
  • SQL

    Creators: Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce
    Purpose: made to manage data in a relational database management system
    Name: Structured Query Language
  • ADA

    Designed by: Jean Ichbiah, later by Tucker Taft
    Purpose: To create a better programming language for the US Dept of Defense
    Name: This language is named after Ada Lovelace, the woman credited to being the first computer programmer
  • C++

    Creators:Bjarne Stroustrup
    Purpose:To enhance the C language for better flexibility
    Name: A combination of referencing C's "++" operator and how (language name)+ was commonly used to indicate a improved version
  • python

    Creators: Guido van Rossum
    Purpose: Made to have an easy to read, efficient syntax
    Name: Reference to Monty PYTHON's Flying Circus
  • Visual Basic

    Creators: Microsoft
    Purpose: To create a easier, more visual and user friendly version of BASIC
    Name: A visual version of BASIC
  • Delphi

    Creators: Borland and later Embarcadero Technologies
    Purpose: Create a language less oriented on planning, more emphasis on develpoing
    Name:Named after the Oracle at Delphi (mythology)
  • Java

    Creators: James Gosling and
    Sun Microsystems
    Purpose: To create a language universally compatible with computers
    Name: Java coffee was consumed in large quantities by the programmers, so they decided to name it after the coffee.
  • PHP

    Creators: Rasmus Lerdorf
    Purpose: To build simple dynamic web applications
    Name: Personal Home Page tools

    Creators: Group led by Charles Katz
    Purpose: Was meant to be an improvement of FORTRAN, is an AT-3 compiler
    Name: MATHeMATICally oriented autocode (?)
  • JavaScript

    Creators: Brendan Eich
    Purpose: To be a portable version of Java with a lightweight interpreted language
    Name: Contains aspects of Java