computer pioneers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    read moreHe bult toleranace in the 19th century
  • ada lovelace

    ada lovelace
    read moreada lovelaceAda Lovelaceada lovelace read moreKnown as a first programer and she was a british mathatican.
  • Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper
    read moreGrace help devoloped a compiler that was a precusor.
  • konrade zuse

    konrade zuse
    read moreHe created and design plankalkauel.
  • Ralph Baer

    Ralph Baer
    read moreHe was considers father of video games and invented the first
    light gun to be use for the t.v
  • Robert Morris

    Robert Morris
    read more, was known for an orginal thinker for the computer of science.
  • Nolan Bushnell

    Nolan Bushnell
    read more
    was a collage of engioneering.
  • Nolan Bushnell

    Nolan Bushnell
    read more, He closed the software stradagy which was changed for new home computer.
  • Alan Cooper

    Alan Cooper
    He devlope methods father of visual Basic
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    read moreHe invented the iphone and ipad
  • bill gates

    bill gates
    read moreHis worth was like 79.2 and his campany was the larges PC
  • Marissa Mayer

    Marissa Mayer
    read more, She was the president of Yahoo and she was a long time executive of Google.
  • Ben Silbermann

    Ben Silbermann
    read moreBen was a comercial falure for his first published app
  • Alexis Ohanian

    Alexis Ohanian
    read more
    Alex net was like 4 billion and him and his friend were called champions.
  • Jack Dorsey

    Jack Dorsey
    read moreWas a co founder of ceo of twitter.