Computer Pioneers By hbgreenf Oct 4, 1903 John Atanasoff John AtanasoffInvented fisrt ditgial computer Jul 16, 1906 Reynold Johnson Reynold JohnsonCreated first computerh hard drive. Jun 13, 1934 Lenoard Kleinrock Leonard KleinrockDevoloper of the internet. May 19, 1955 James Gosling James GoslingCheif Software for Java. Jun 23, 1967 Vinton Cerf Vinton CerfDeveloper of the internet Dec 28, 1969 Linus Torvalds Linius TorvaldsCreator of linux kernel May 30, 1975 Marissa Mayer Marissa MayerPresidet and CEO of YAHOO. Nov 19, 1976 Jack Dorsey Jack DorseyFounder and CEO of square. Oct 29, 1979 Jawed Karim Jawed KarimDeveloped Youtube May 14, 1984 Mark Zuckerburg Mark ZuckerbergCreater of Facebook.