Ada lovelace
read more aboutmathmation known as first programmer for computers -
Edith Clarke
she invented the clarke calculator -
George Stibitz
created the Digital Computer -
Jean Bartik
she went into war to helpwith war effort -
Adam Osborne
he made the first portable computer -
Barbara Liskov
read more more about earned her BA in mathematics -
Vinton Cerf
He co-designer of the TCP/IP -
Anita Borg
known for working in the fields of computers -
Steve Jobs
co-founder of apple -
Tim Berners-Lee
he is the founding director os the world wide web foundation -
Jack Dorsey
read more about co-founder of twitter -
Gary Thuerk
father of spam -
Alexis Ohanian
co-founder of the social news -
Mark Zuckerberg
read more aboutcreated facebook -
Aaron Levie
read more about helped creat the box