Computer Pioneers

  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    readmoreaoutadaWas a computer programmer
  • Aaron Levie

    Aaron Levie
    was a computer programmer
  • Edith Clarke

    Edith Clarke
    First women to earn a Electrical Engineering degree from MIT
  • Alan Turning

    Alan Turning
    engineer on turning machine
  • Barbara Liskov

    Barbara Liskov
    First women in U.S. to get PhD
  • Alan Kay

    Alan Kay
    Invented the worlds windows
  • Al Alcorn

    Al Alcorn
    created pong
  • Anita Borg

    Anita Borg
    Created the Anita Borg institute for women in tech
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    First person to make a character from a computer appear on a screen
  • Steve Jobs

    First person to make a character form on a computer screen
  • Alan Cooper

    Founder of first international cooper
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Hes the richest man in America, the second richest in the world
  • Linus Tornalds

    Creator of the Linux Kernel and for a long time developer
  • Alexis Ohanian

    created many boots
  • Gary Thuerk

    Manager for the defunct computer company Digital Equipment Cooperation