Charles Babbage
Learn about the Babbage Engine HERE Concept of programmable computer; considered the "Father of Computing" -
Edith Clarke
Wrote circuit analysis of A-C and made graphing calculator; she was the first female electric engineer -
John Atanasoff
1st electronic digital computer, attended Iowa State University -
Reynold Johnson
Established computer data storage; known to be the "Father of the disk drive" -
Grace Hopper
More on Grace Hopper's life HERE Invented 1st compiler for computer programming language; she was a naval war admiral -
Konrad Zuse
Made the 1st programmable computer; had 5 children -
Alan Turing
Wartime code break, made a machine to break German code; commited suicide -
Jean Bartik
Jean's Long Life HERE She was part of the original programmersof ENIAC computer; graduated high school at age 15 -
Jean Sammet
Developed FORMAC programming language; she wasn't accepted in Bronx because she was a girl. -
Adam Osborne
Software publisher; he was a british author -
Barbara Liskov
Argued that women should get to go to school too; she was educated in Massachussetts -
Vinton Cerf
Father of Internet; chairman of ICANN -
Abhay Bhushan
Developement of internet TCP/IP architexture; he is currently the chairman of Asquare Inc -
Anita Borg
Founded the Institute for women and technology; She was born in Chicago, Illinios -
Alan Cooper
Created Goal-directed design methodology; he is known for his books -
Steve Jobs
Started Apple Computer Co.; develped iPhone -
James Gosling
Father of Java programming language; has a PHD in computer science -
Bill Gates
Co-founded Microsoft; dropped out of Harvard -
Robert Morris
American Computer Scientist; he is best known for creating the Morris worm