Compatible Time - sharing system is demonstrated
CTSS was developed by the MIT Computation Center under the direction of Fernando Corbató and was based on a modified IBM 7090, then later 7094, mainframe computer
“1961: Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum.” 1961 | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org/timeline/1961/. -
Alphaville released
Alphaville featured secret agent lemmy caution as he investigated the situation surrounding professor von braun, creator of the alpha 60 computer
“1965: Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum.” 1965 | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org/timeline/1965/. -
amdahl corporation intoduces the amdahl 470
Gene Amdahl , the father of the IBM system/360 starts his own company , to compete with IBM in mainframe computer systems.
The 470V/6 was the company’s first product and ran the same software as IBM System/370 computers but cost less and was smaller and faster. “1970: Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum.” 1970 | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org/timeline/1970/. -
Public unvieling of ENIAC
the ENIAC computing system was built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. Because of its electronic, as opposed to electromechanical, technology, it is over 1,000 times faster than any previous computer.
“1946: Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum.” 1946 | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org/timeline/1946/. -
Intel's touchstone delta supercomputer system comes online
Intel’s Touchstone Delta has 512 processors operating independently, arranged in a two-dimensional communications “mesh.” Caltech researchers used this supercomputer prototype for projects such as real-time processing of satellite images, and for simulating molecular models in AIDS research
“1990: Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum.” 1990 | Timeline of Computer History | Computer History Museum, www.computerhistory.org/timeline/1990/.