
Computer Languages

  • Period: to


    first high level non von neumann programming. Created by Konrad Zuse
  • Fortran

    Used for numeric computation and science computing.
    Created by John Backus
  • Math-Matic

    Created lead by Charles katz. Meant to be a better version of Fortran.
  • Lisp

    Designed by John McCarthy. Created for practical math notations
  • Bacis

  • Cobol

    Complied computer programming language for business. Created by Grace Hopper and his team.
    COmmon Business Oriented Language meaning COBOL
  • RPG

    RPG- Report Program Generator. Used to copy puched cards.Created by IBM

    Created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. BASIC mans " Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code". Used as an easy to learn programming language.
  • LOGO

    Made by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. Used for education and now used for line graphics. LOGO is not an acronym.
  • B

    Created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. Named after BCPL or Bon. Made for Multics.
  • Pascal

    Designws by Niklaus Wirth. Used for practice of structured programming. Named after a French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
  • C

    General Purpose language made by Dennis Ritchie. Named for being the third letter C
    A (ADA), B (Basic), thus C
  • ML

    Developed by Robin Milner. ML stands for metalanguage. A general functional program
  • SQL

    Structured Query Language. Managing data in a database. Created by Donald D Chamberlin and Raymond F Boyce.
  • C++

    General purpose programming. Low memory manipulation. Created by Bjarne Stroustrup who was on the team to create the previous programming language C
  • ADA

    Made by a team led by Jean Ichbiah. Named after Ada Lovelace from making the first computer. Purpose is multitasking.
  • Python

    Created by Guido van Rossum. Uses objects, imperative, adn functional programming
  • Visual Basic

    Third Gen. programming language. Created by Microsoft
  • Delphi

    Used for desktop graphical,web, and moblie apps now a days.
    Created by a Borland for a rapid app development for operating systems.
  • Java

    used for concurrent,classed base, and object oriented. Used as a Run once then anywhere. Created by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems
  • Javascript

    Most used part of web browsers. Created by Brendan Eich.
  • PHP

    Used for web development and is a server side scripting. Created by Rasmus Lerdorf. PhP means Personal Home Page.