Computer Inventions For The 70's

By Twenti2
  • Ray Tomlinson - Email

    Ray Tomlinson - Email
    Although you could send messages at the time to other computers, you could only do so to computers on the same mainframe. Ray was able to solve this problem by separating the username from the specified computer by adding the "@" symbol in between them. Essentially what became the foundation work for email.
  • Allan Alcorn - Pong

    Allan Alcorn - Pong
    Arcade game that was originally intended for instructional purposes that ended up starting the arcade boom from the 70's and essentially began what is today E-Sports. It is basically a virtual table tennis game with two white rectangular bars at each end of the screen with a white ball that bounced back and forth between the two.
  • Warren L. Dalziel (Lead Inventor) - Floppy Disk

    Warren L. Dalziel (Lead Inventor) - Floppy Disk
    Floppy Disk is a data storage device that could hold up to 80 kilobytes. This was the main source of data storage up until about the 90's.
  • MITS - The Microcomputer

    MITS - The Microcomputer
    This was the first computer that was affordable enough for the general public to build themselves, since at the time you could not buy a put together computer but rather you had to acquire all the parts for it and assemble it yourself.
  • Steve Wozniak - The Apple Computer

    Steve Wozniak - The Apple Computer
    Although released only a year later to the microcomputer, the Apple computer had a slight advantage in that they were able to get their computers to natively support a keyboard, mouse and monitor as opposed the the Altair which you had to get an expansion card for.