Computer Innovations of the 2000's

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Flash Drives were initially sold by Trek 2000 International a Singapore company, but were later on sold by IBM in America. This allowed the saving of files to the flash drive, which allowed us to make them portable and made it easy to transfer said files to any computer the user wanted.
  • Windows XP Released

    Windows XP Released
    Windows XP, created by Microsoft, was released in October of 2001. It was widely popular because of its improvements from Windows 2000. It was much more user friendly, it was less likely to crash, it was faster and included new features such as "hibernate" shut down, which allowed you to shut down your pc but when you came back it saved your place in windows allowing you to resume where you left off.
  • MySpace

    MySpace was founded by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson in 2003. Some of its features were based upon the earlier site "Friendster." MySpace though added games and file storage. MySpace became a major social networking site and surpassed more than 100 million users. It would eventually be overtaken by Facebook in 2004.
  • Amazon Web Services Launched Cloud Based Services

    Amazon Web Services Launched Cloud Based Services
    Amazon released the Amazon Elastic Cloud EC2 which allowed users to rent virtual time which allowed the user to scale while only paying for what was used. The S3 was a cloud based file that allowed the user to store data in the cloud saving storage space on the the users computer. This would be the first of many "cloud based services" it would be followed by "iCloud" by apple and many others.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    Apple released the MacBook air, which was a slim, sleek, and light laptop. One feature that made it stick out from others was the fact that the laptop's hard drive was replaced with a solid-state disk which allowed Apple to reduce the size of the unit.