Computer History timeline

  • Difference Machine

    J. H. Müller, an engineer , conceived of the idea of a difference machine. This was described in a book published in 1786, but Müller was unable to obtain funding to progress with the idea.
  • Period: to

    Computer Timeline

  • Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

    Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
    Babbage proposed the idea of a difference engine but ran out of money and funding to created the actual prototype.
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)

    Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    Used for sound effects,
    8 we’re used and orded by Disney during1940 used for the Disney movie ‘fantasia’ Now that company is also known as HP
  • Colossus computer

    Colossus computer
    Colossus was the world's first computer. The Colossus computers were developed for British codebreakers during World War II to help in the cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher.
  • Punch Cards

    Punch Cards
    Punch cards were used mostly for work to sign in and out of your job.
  • Data-phone

    AT&T created its first commercial modem, the dataphone.

    First industrial robot, is 4,000lbs.
  • First e-mail sent

    First e-mail sent
    The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson
  • PONG

    A classic old school game which was inspired by ping pong.
  • Apple I personal computer kit

    Apple I personal computer kit
    Apple I was created by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  • Hard Drives

    Hard Drives
    Nearly every computer and desktops and servers in use today contains one or more hard-disk drives.

    PIXAR is a special effects company founded by Disney
  • CDs

    Lots of movies, music and recordings are stored in CDS
  • Iomega ZIP disk

    Iomega ZIP disk
    Can store around 100MB, later versions were made to store 2GB
  • Google

    One of the most popular browsers was founded on September the 8th in 1998
  • USBs

    USBs are used to save and stored documents and files and are portable
  • Xbox

    The first Xbox video game console was created at 2001