Computer History Timeline

  • First Bombe completed

    First Bombe completed
    It was a device used to by the Nazi to comunicate during WWII I chose this device because i like WW2
  • William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen successfully tested this point-contact transistor

    William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen successfully tested this point-contact transistor
    The transistor was used at AT&T and on other computers. I did not know that AT&T have been around since the fourties so i chose it.
  • ERA 1101 drum memory

    ERA 1101 drum memory
    It held 1 million bits at a time. After a little bit of work they got them to hold 4,000 words at one time. I is cool to know where our discs that we use everyday, the technology came from this.
  • Logic Theorist software

    Logic Theorist software
    This marked a milestone in field of artifical intellegence. I thought it is cool that someone came up with an artifical language for the computer to read.
  • UNIMATE first industrial robot

    UNIMATE first industrial robot
    The robot was made by General Motors. It worked by using programmed information to make the pieces. I like GM so I chose this.
  • Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny created BASIC

    Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny created BASIC
    This was a program that the students at Dartmouth College could use. It was easy to learn. I think that it is awesome that they made a program for the students at one college.
  • The first e-mail was sent

    The first e-mail was sent
    Ray Tomlinson sent the first email on accident. He also decide to use @ in e-mails. They asked him what the e-mail said and it said "QWERTYUIOP" It would have been amazing to be RAy Tomlinson right then when he sent the email (not knowing what he created.)
  • The Cray I

    The Cray I
    The Cray I was the fastest processor at the time. What made it so fast was it was made in a C shape. Making there less wire to travel to. I think that it would be hard to design a processor but it would be harder to make the fastest processor of that time.
  • Pixar was founded

    Pixar was founded
    IT was originally called Special Effect Group at Lucas Film. Steve Jobs paid Lucas Film $10 million to change the name to Pixar. I chose this because Pixar is still around and they make some ok movies.
  • The Iomega Zip Disk was released

    The Iomega Zip Disk was released
    The Disk could hold up to 100MB on a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk. Later they made the disks hold 2GB instead of 100MB. I chose this because it looks cool and i like stuff that deals with memory units.