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Early History
The Early History- when computers are't exactly the computer nowadays and people/simple machinese are used to calculate maths. The first "computers" refer to humans doing maths -
Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and writer collaborated with Charles Babbage to make the Analytical Engine. She was credited as world's first programmer -
Charles Babbage and the Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage tried to make a programmable machine/difference engine used to do math equations, but only maid a few parts before he died -
Punch Card saves Census
Punch cards' easy to use codes and holes used replaces Census (people counting and recording population) to caluculate America's rapid pupulation. -
Period: to
First Generation
The first generation computers, where machines use vacuum tubes which are used to give signals and switch on/off "computers"/machines. It uses lots of light. -
The colossus was the world's first digital computer. It was used by the British people to decode German messages. Colossus used vacuum tubes to make calculations. -
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Second Generation
Second Generation - More reliable Transistors used instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors are much smaller and doesn't produce as much light as vacuum tube does. -
ENIAC, was the first general purpose computer was created, it was said to use 18,000 vacuum tubes. It was designed to calculate things for the U.S.'s Ballistic Research Labatory -
First computer for Commercial use, UNIVAC, or Universal Automatic Computer, is created. It's made by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. -
IBM and its computer
The International Business Machines Corporation gave IBM 650 and 700, one of IBM's earliest computers to the world. They were used for Engineers and people who use Punch Card Machines -
Period: to
Third Generation
Third Generation- EVEN smaller Integrated Circuit replaces Transistors to give computers informations -
Space Race
The Space Race between Russia and USA popularized the expensive integrated circuit, which allowed USA to beat the Russians to Space. -
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Fourth Generation
The current generation, where we use microprocessors to give signals and computer now have Graphical User Interphace. Computers now have lots of purposes, too. -
Graphical User Interphace
Xerox was the first to make computers with graphical user interphace, which made using computers a lot more easier, since you do not need to remember codes anymore. -
IBM made PC
IBM made a personal computer, or PC for office. With this computer the word PC is used for home computers and personal computers. -
Xerox Star
Xerox made the first Commercial computer with graphical user Interphace, which makes things easier when using computers. -
Apple Macintosh
Apple Macintosh, the first famous computer made by Apple with Graphical User Interphase.I costed US$2,495, and is the first computer to be on the Mac line -
Microsoft 1.0
This is Microsoft's first computer with Graphical User Interphace, which was created after Bill Gates paid a visit to Apple and saw the Graphical User Interphace -
Apple vs Microsoft
Apple and Microsoft began a war with each other, selling out new products while Apple tries to sue Windows for "stealing" the Graphical User Interphase