Computer History

  • IBM 701

    IBM 701
    IBM 701 becomes available and 19 are sold. I chose this because I thought the machine looked really different and cool from the ones now.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    The floppy disk was invented by IBM. I chose this because its something that hasn't changed much over time.
  • Xerox

    Xerox made a new research center named PARC in Palo Alto, CA. I chose this, because I have family that live in Palo Alto.
  • Email

    Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson. I chose this, because its something I use a lot.
  • Apple

    Apple invented Macintosh computers with window and mouse interface.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo makes its debut. I chose this because I used to love Nintendo.

    YAHOO is created. I chose this because, my parents used ot use YAHOO for a lot of things.
  • Google

    Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. I chose this because it was the year I was born.
  • Xbox

    Bill Gates introduces Xbox. I chose this because I have the first Xbox
  • PC

    In 2002 one billion PC were sold. I chose this because I remember my mom telling me how excited she was when she got a PC.