Computer History

  • Complex Number Calculator

    Complex Number Calculator
    Development by bell telephones laboratory that could calculate complex numbers from equations. This was demonstrated at American Mathematical Society conference held at Dartmouth College
    Computer History
  • Colossus Mk 2

    Colossus Mk 2
    The Colossus was made to break the complex Lorenz ciphers used by the Nazis in World War II. It shortened the time to deciper the Lorenz messages from weeks to hours. Computer History
  • Digital Phone Lines

    Digital Phone Lines
    Phone companies developed these digital transmissions for inside company uses, like putting more calls on main lines to connect to their centers. Computer History
  • The Hyperlink

    The Hyperlink
    A creation by Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart, hyperlinks were used to reference URLs in documents and other writings. It is most commonly used today in research papers and articles.
    Computer History
  • Mother of all Demos

    Mother of all Demos
    This was basically a display of a computer with a mouse, showing editing, word processing, etc. to a large audience by using an experimental device known as the oNline system. Hypertext was also shown here, which had never been seen before.Computer History

    ARPANET was the first network created by the US government by a group called DARPA. It's the first packet switching network that developed into today's modern world.
  • Mobile Networks

    Mobile Networks
    The first "mobile" network was a moving van that had government officials including generals, hackers, and others inside a wireless data van. When it was first used it was mainly used for experiments, but today we have these "moving" networks that are known as hotspots. {Computer History}(
  • Computer Worms

    Computer Worms
    Although the worm was initially intended to use in order to make your processors more efficient, it has since then become widely used today as a virus that invades networked computers, thusly compromising them. It was created by John Shoch and Jon Hupp at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as a program.
    Computer History
  • Macintosh

    The Macintosh was the first successful mouse driven computer, complete with a GUI. It's price was $2,500.
    Computer History
  • WorldWideWeb

    The WorldWideWeb was created at CERN in Switzerland by Tim Berners - Lee, who only was able to create it after getting denied twice, but with unofficial support from his boss and one of his coworkers. It is currently used today for all websites, and is at the beginning of all URLS.
  • Intel Pentium Microprocessor

    Intel Pentium Microprocessor
    The first Processor of Intel's new Pentium series was released, with the new Pentium series new advances came such as being able to perform multiple instructions at the same time. It also supported graphics and music.
    Computer History
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Containing a logic board, power supply, case, keyboard, and a cassette tape, the apple II had very good colorized graphics when connected to a colorized television set. Apple donated thousands of Apple II's to schools, to help with the spread of technology
    Computer History
  • First Camera Phone

    First Camera Phone
    Created by Softbank, called the J-SH04, it had a .11 megapixel camera and a 256 color display. A few years later, flip phones were developed with cameras as well.
    Computer History
  • The Mobile Web

    The Mobile Web
    As internet speeds on mobile devices increased, the possibiltity of web browsing on mobile devices became a reality. Major data speed increases on mobile devices significantly improved connectivity of mobile. Computer History
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    First successful attempt at putting the processing power of a computer into a watch. However it was criticized for it's high price and low battery life.