The telephone
This is a very important moment in history because we now use phones everyday. Smartphones actually.Alexander Graham Bell. He called his assistant and said, "Mr. Watson, come here i want to see you. Alexander Graham Bell was a Canadian inventor. -
This was the very first computer. It was large and bulky that's partly why its got all its publicity. It took up a whole room.It weighed about 30 metric tones. This computer had up to 17,468 vacuum tubes. It could solve complete numerical problems with reprogramming. -
Atari was a arcade gaming system. It was one of the first gaming systems that you could bring home. Along with Nintendo of course. It was the worlds first arcade video game.Its was made to be copy version of f the Magnavox Odyssey's Tennis game. Its was founded in 1972. -
This gaming system was founded in 1889. It was a home video game along with Atari. It wasn't an arcade game system. at first it was a card game then moved to the electronic era. Then it became more and more popular. The electronic system can after Atari had made the first arcade game. The game really became popular during 1979. -
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates. It was developed to develop and sell BASIC interpreters. It then grew to dominate the computer system market in the mid 1980s. It then grow into a complete suite of bus tools that users have access to. -
Apple is a multinational business. The whole apple business started int a garage then grew over time. Apple is a company that develops and sells software and devices. The have made a series of cell phones and tablets and computers and laptops. -
Back To The Future 2
Back to the future is a very popular file directed by Robert Zemeicks. This movie put a vision in peoples head because in the movie they traveled to the future. The traveled to 2015. In the movie they had flying cars, hover boards and robots. Now we have progressed with technologie a lot but not to the extent of flying cars. Not yet tho... -
One of the most popular gaming systems came out. PlayStation was a branch of Sony. Its soon came out with 3-D graphics. Its a formation as Sony's entertainment system. It then grew more popular as the years went one selling millions and millions of systems worldwide. -
Google started as a research project for two students in the states. Google has now released internet related services or devices like technologies, cloud, search, computing, hardware and software. Its is now one of the most used search engines along with chrome. Google now has multiple features such maps and images. The growth of google started in 2003. -
The very first X-bow was founded in 2001. Its started off with a very simple gaming system then evolved to three other game systems the same. Its a very popular system with lots of settings for example a live stream. there are over 40 million users worldwide.