computer history

By cv3166
  • Konrad Zuse finishes his Z3 computer

    Konrad Zuse finishes his Z3 computer
    An early computer that uses 2,300 relays performs floating point binary arithmetic and has a 22-bit length. Is later destroyed in a bombing raid in Berlin in 1943 but was rebuilt in 1960.
  • direct keyboard input to computers

    direct keyboard input to computers
    at MIT researchers begin experimenting with direct keyboard input to computers.
  • 1963

    in the early 1960s bell labs is at the forefront of research into computer arts and graphics.
  • IBM mass storage system

    IBM mass storage system
    The IBM 3850 mass storage system is introduced. The largest storage system held 4,720 cartridges stored 26 gigabytes and was 20 ft long.
  • The first Macintosh

    The first Macintosh
    the first Macintoshes are released and the commercial airs during the super bowl.
  • The Acorn Archimedes are released

    The Acorn Archimedes are released
    Acorn's ARM microprocessor is first used in the company's Archimedes computer system. As one of Britain's leading computer companies, they continued the Archimedes line.
  • Computer defeats master chess player

    Computer defeats master chess player
    David levy is the first chess master to be defeated by a computer. the program's deep thought defeats levy who had beaten all other counterparts since 1968.
  • Jurassic park is released

    Jurassic park is released
    Jurassic park becomes the highest-grossing film to date Based on the novel by Michael Crichton.
  • 3dfx begins selling voodoo graphics chips

    3dfx begins selling voodoo graphics chips
    The demand for high-quality video cards for personal computers grows throughout the 1990s as game companies create games with more complex audio and visual requirements.
  • Apple air was released

    Apple air was released
    Apple introduces their first ultra notebook- a light think laptop with a high capacity battery. The air incorporated many technologies that had been associated with the apple line of MacBooks.