Computer History

By Josev22
  • IBM 9345 hard disk drive

    IBM 9345 hard disk drive
    IBM's disk hard drive was first introduced It enhanced computer technology by creating a memory of bits than can store more density.
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    Computer History

  • Compact Flash

    Compact Flash
    Compact Flash was introduced by Sandisk and become the preferred method of memory storage. Preferred for its small size as well.
  • IBM Think Pad 701C

    IBM Think Pad 701C
    ThinkPad 701 is designed by inventor John Karidis. The keyboard was comprised of three roughly triangular interlocking pieces, which formed a full-sized keyboard when the laptop was opened -- resulting in a keyboard significantly wider than the case. This keyboard design was dubbed “the Butterfly.” ( Benefit of thinkpad was making typing easier comparing to a normal size keyboard on a laptop.
  • Sony 700 MB CD-RW disc Compact Disc-ReWritable (CD-RW)

    Sony 700 MB CD-RW disc  Compact Disc-ReWritable (CD-RW)
    The CD-RW was used for storage and had the capability of being re-written. It created a different form of storage for users.
  • WIFI Comes Home

    WIFI Comes Home
    11b short-range radio networking standard is rebranded “Wi-Fi” by the Wi-Fi Alliance. This is the same year Apple releases its "Airport" Wi-Fi router and builds Wi-Fi connectivity into new Macs. These and other consumer products help popularize cable-free connections at work, in cafes, and at home. Wifi has had a big impact in networking. Every electronic device now has wifi capability. Even light bulbs.