Computer History

  • USB flash Drives

    -USB Flash Drive
    -Invented by Henn Tan
    -The flash drive changed the way data is stored and how it can be portable.
  • Period: to

    Beginning of 21st Century

  • Ipod

    -Steve Jobs
    -The ipod allowed people to take all of their music wherever they went in their pocket for the first time.
  • Blackberry

    -Mike Lazaridis
    -The Blackberry set the standard for smartphones and was a must-have technology.
  • Nintendo Wii

    -Nintendo Wii
    -Shigeru Miyamoto
    -The Nintendo Wii was the first game of its kind to involve interactive movement in games.
  • Iphone

    -Steve Jobs
    -The Iphone was a must-have smartphone that revolutionized the cell-phone market.