Computer History 2010-2020

  • Instagram was launched

    Instagram was launched
    Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger were the creators of Instagram. The photo-sharing app currently has 1.440 billion users. This app provides a lot of different uses for so many demographics. [Computerhope]( datareportal
  • Vine was launched

    Vine was launched
    Vine was launched by both Dom Hofmann and Rus Yusupov. The video-sharing app allowed users to upload a max of 6-second videos. The app was discontinued in 2016. Vine was the origin of so many 2010 memes. What is vine
  • Google released Google Classroom

    Google released Google Classroom
    The release of Google Classroom was in 2014. This service served as a means of combining other Google services, such as Google Slides and Google Docs, in one easy place for teachers and students. Google Classroom
  • The release of TikTok

    The release of TikTok
    TikTok, an app similar to Vine, was released in 2016. This video-sharing app has amassed around 750 users worldwide. TikTok was created by Zhang Yiming. Creator
    User Stats
  • Google+ was shutdown

    Google+ was shutdown
    Google+, created by Google, had multiple features, but overall, worked almost as a social media app. There were ways to create groups, upload photos, and chat with friends. Personally, this is an app that had meant a lot to me. I had been a part of a lot of small art communities on the app and created a lot of friendships. Having it shut down was devastating. The app was shutdown in 2019. Google+