Computer History

  • 500 BCE

    The Invention of the Abacus was perfected by the Chinese

  • 300 BCE

    The Invention of the Abbacus

    Created by the Babylonians
  • Napier's Bones Was Invented

    In 1914, John Napier, from Scotland invented Napier's Bones, a more complex calculator device than the abacus
  • First Digital Computer Was Invented

    More calculating devices were made by Frenchman, Blaise Pascal at the age of 18.
  • First Punch-Card Was Invented

    Invented by Joseph- Marie Jacquard. Punch- Cards are sheets of people that hold digital data.
  • The Difference Engine Was Invented

    Charles Babbage invented the first Input and Output system.
  • Analytical Engine Was Invented

    The device took 10 years, but what the first machine to program input data. Invented by Babbage and his son. The invention wasn't successful but opened doors for more inventions later on.
  • Invention of the Punched Card calculator

    The first Punched Card calculator was created by Herman Hollerith
  • Electronic Tube Was Invented

    Lee de Forest invented the electric tube, it helped the invention of electronic computer.
  • "Dead Period" of Inventions

    During this time, nothing new was invented out of a lack for any new technology. Between the early 1900s to 1938.
  • Electronic Code Breaking Machines

    The Electronic Machines were needed to crack German codes during World War II, however this was their only function.
  • The First Programmed Controlled Computer

    This invention was created by Howard Aiken from Harvard University.
  • The British invented Colossus

    The British invented Colossus, a code-breaking device. They later destroyed all 10 they had so no other country could gain access to their technology.
  • Invention of the Transistor

    They did the work on multiple electronic tubes; created by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain. These were the first and second generation of computers.
  • Invention of the integrated circuit

    The integrated circuit lead us to our modern computer chip and was the third generation computer, yet was not mass produced.
  • First Microprocessor Was Created

    They were smaller, faster, and cheaper computers.
  • Fouth Generation Computer

    From 1971 to today.
  • Computer Languages

    Grace Hopper created her own new computer languages that are still used today.
  • Computers Became Mass Marketed & Produced

  • The Invention of Cray I

  • First Apple Computer

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple I, their first computer.
  • Intel created Microprocessor 8068

    This was more powerful than any other microprocessor during this time.
  • Microsoft was Launched

    Bill Gates and his company wrote program for PC and Microsoft; it became very popular and foward-ed the way for new technology.
  • Operating System Chip "CP/M" Was Writen

    Gary Kildall wrote operating system chip CP/M, that we still use today.