
Computer History

  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    The Difference Engine was designed to be an instant calculator and it was also created to eliminate human errors during calculations.
  • Period: to


  • Microphone

    The microphone's purpose was to project sound out louder so you can speak in front of a larger audience without having to shout.
  • TV

    The TV is used to transmit and receive moving images and sound.
  • Computer

    The first computer was invented at around 1936 and the purpose was for various things, from calculating to sorting information.
  • Surveillance Camera

    Surveillance Camera
    The surveillance camera is used usually in shops or banks to survey the area in case of any thefts or to guard a experiment in case something goes wrong.
  • Microchip

    A really compact device used to store information/ programmes.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    A computer mouse is used to control the cursor on your laptop and scroll up and down the page.
  • CD

    CD stands for compact disk which holds and stores information, photos or videos etc,
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    The digital camera is used to take pictures and it usually comes with a charging device.
  • Smartphone

    This device is a smartphone which is a touchscreen advanced version of a phone.