computer history

By tigh22
  • the first typewriter was created by Latham Christopher Sholes

    the first typewriter was created by Latham Christopher Sholes
  • "QWERTY" keyboard invented

    "QWERTY" keyboard invented
  • colossus used in WWI to aid the military is reading encrypted German messages

    colossus used in WWI to aid the military is reading encrypted German messages
  • patent was filed ENIAC

    patent was filed ENIAC
  • UNIVAC created in to assist the government with performing the census

    UNIVAC created in to assist the government with performing the census
  • Univac predicts winner of 1952 election

    Univac predicts winner of 1952 election
  • transistor effect won the Nobel Prize for Physics and sparked a flurry of research in electronics

    transistor effect  won the Nobel Prize for Physics and sparked a flurry of research in electronics
  • Jack kilby began research on the integrated circuit

    Jack kilby began research on the integrated circuit
  • Steve Russell invented space war

    Steve Russell invented space war
  • mouse invented out of a block of wood, a circuit board, and two metal wheels

    mouse invented out of a block of wood, a circuit board, and two metal wheels
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) invented

    Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) invented
  • Microprocessor invented by intel

    Microprocessor invented by intel
  • Ray Tomlinson emails himself

    Ray Tomlinson emails himself
  • creeper created as lab test

    creeper created as lab test
  • Steve Jobs invents first apple computer

    Steve Jobs invents first apple computer
  • Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby create wordstar

    Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby create wordstar
  • IBM 5150 released

    IBM 5150 released
  • Osborne 1 cost $1,795

    Osborne 1 cost $1,795
  • Time magazine named the computer as the “Machine of the Year”

     Time magazine named the computer as the “Machine of the Year”
  • Scott Fahlman invented the sideways smile emotion

    Scott Fahlman invented the  sideways smile emotion
  • Apple Lisa is first home computer with a graphical user interface

    Apple Lisa is first home computer with a graphical user interface
  • Tim Berners-Lee invents world wide web

    Tim Berners-Lee invents world wide web
  • Google incorporated as backrub

    Google incorporated as backrub
  • first smartphone capable of receiving e-mail and accessing the Internet

    first smartphone capable of receiving e-mail and accessing the Internet
  • first ipad released

    first ipad released