Computer history

  • Idea of fist automatic calculator

    Idea of fist automatic calculator
    The idea that an automatic calculator would only need a control program, a memory, and an arithmetic unit is advanced by Konrad Zuse, a famous German civil engineer. This is important because it is a great idea to create a couculater
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    First Prototype of the binary-based ABC. This machine is often considered the first automatic digital computer. It is really important to society because it is the first automatic digital computer
  • The Colossus

     The Colossus
    Was a programmable, digital machine also considered by some to be the first electronic computer, became operational in England. It is important because it is the fiest electronic computer.
  • Fairchild Camera

    Fairchild Camera
    Robert Noyce's practical integrated circuit, invented at Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp., allowed printing of conducting channels directly on the silicon surface. IBM's 7000 series mainframes were the company's first transistorized computers. This is important because people need to be able to take good picuters for tec.
  • Mini Computer

    Mini Computer
    Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. This is important because it is avertizing for the fist minicomputer.
  • Windows Xerox Palo Alto

    Windows Xerox Palo Alto
    Researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed the Alto -- the first work station with a built-in mouse for input. The Alto stored several files simultaneously in windows, offered menus and icons, and could link to a local area network. Although Xerox never sold the Alto commercially, it gave a number of them to universities. Engineers later incorporated its features into work stations and personal computers. That is why it is important.
  • 5 1/4-inch floppy disk

    5 1/4-inch floppy disk
    The 5 1/4-inch floppy disk became the standard medium for personal computer software after Apple Computer and Tandy Radio Shack introduced disk drives for this format. That is a big step for tech.
  • Compaq ships

    Compaq ships
    Compaq ships its first computer in January and sells $111M, the greatest first-year sales in the history of American business. This is important because it shows that computers can be sold for a lot of money.
  • Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0.

    Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0.
    Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0. This is important becaue it is a huge update For techno.
  • 7.0 apple operating system.

    7.0 apple operating system.
    Apple releases the System 7.0 operating system for Macintosh. This is important because it makes techno look thinnger and last longer.