Desktop computer

Computer History

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    Early History

  • Analythical Machine

    Analythical Machine
    Charles Babbage ,the first one who conceived the idea to calculate machine.The machine was design to solve mathematic formula.
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    1st generation

    Started to used vaccumm tubes for the circuitry,The storage is magnetic drums.They used punched card for input, and printout for output.
  • Colussus

    Is the first computer use for code breaking in world war.Used in British world war II to break the German code messages.

    Stand for Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer. Developed and improved by John Mauchley and J. Presper Eckert Junior.

    Created by John von Neumann.He developed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC).ECVAC had memory and it also stored data.
  • The transistor

    The transistor
    The transistor was invented by Bell Telephone Company in 1947.It was use in the computer component not the computer itself.
  • The UNIVAC

    The UNIVAC
    This computer machine is created by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly.This is a first computer machine that being put into the commercial.
  • IBM

    IBM stands for the word "International Business Machines ".And they came out with their first computer machine.
  • ERMA and MICR

    ERMA and MICR
    It was the first industry bank computer, including the MICR or the "magnetic ink character recognition" using for reading the checks.
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    2nd Generation

    They used transistor instead of vaccuum tube, and using the same storage with the same input and output.

    The COBOL is stand for the word " Common Business-Oriented Language " which is used for programming language.
  • Video game

    Video game
    The spacewar games was invented for the first video game in the computer in the year 1962.
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    2nd Generation

    They used integrated circuited and also used keyboards and monitors instead of punched cards and print out.Run through many application once a time.
  • Computer Mouse and Windows

    Computer Mouse and Windows
    Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research was the one to created the mouse to use with the graphical user interface.
  • Hypertext

    The hypertext was a text displayer which is invented in 1965.The term "hypertext" is coin by Andries van Dam and Ted Nelson.
  • RAM

    It stand for the word " random-access memory".It was the world's first dynamic.Ram was the first microprocessor .
  • Intel 1103

    Intel 1103
    It is the world 's first computer memory using the dynamic RAM chip in the year of 1970.
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    4th Generation

    Started using microprocessor,contain millions of component in a ship.Can do billion calculations in a second.
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    Floppy disk is invented by Alan Shugart ,the leads team of IBM engineers.Floppy disk allowed the data to shared among the computers.
  • Ethernet

    Ethernet was developed and improved by Robert Metcalfe, one of a member of the research of staff for Xerox.It is used for connecting computer hardware.
  • Apple

    This computer machine is founded Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.Most people today are using Apple in their daily life.
  • TRS-80

    This is a production of Radio Shack,which the TRS-80 was 3,000.It was sold like crazy for the first time.
  • Apple Lisa computer

    Apple Lisa computer
    It is the first computer which contain GUI, graphical user interface in it machine.
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    It is a home using computer,but more affordable than the last computer by using the GUI /graphical user interface.