Period: to
Computer History
Human Computers
Human Comuters were used a long time before real mechanical and electrical computers were made. These people used pencil and paper to do sums, but the problem was, that they frequently made mistakes,. -
Charles Babbge's Difference Engine
Charles Babbage's difference engine was built by Joseph Clement. It was never actually finished, but it was rebuid by some modern scientists during the past few years. -
Alan Turing's computer (Colossus)
Alan Turing's colossus was used to crack German secret codes during WWII. most of them were dismantled and plans were destroyed under the orders of the prime minister Winston Churchill. -
ASIMO is a robot designed and developed by Honda. It can walk, run and even recognize objects and voices. -
Apple IPods
You can download music and listen to it. IPod touch can download games to play. -
Apple’s IPhones
Basically a upgraded version of the IPod touch, with you can call with, take pictures with and use visual chat with friends and family. -
Apple MacBook
Small, lightweight computers that is ultraportable and handy. Can also download apps, just like IPods and IPhones and stuff. -
Smart TVs
It can go on the web to search for movies to watch, tone memory and some can even receive gestures to do something. The first was seen in 1994 and has had many extensions, but the ones these few years are actually ‘smart’.