
computer history

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    the first computer(abacus)invented 300b.c

    the first computer(abacus)invented 300b.c
    anacus siteThis was considered to be the very first computer and calculator invented
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    next step calaculator

    next step calaculator
    The chinese next step was the abacus being a personal calaculator. it was built out of wood and beads. also was developed 5000 years ago in 500b.c
  • first typewriter

    first typewriter
    the first successfully built typewriter was built in 1968 by Christopher Latham Sholes. it was used majority of the time for things like sending out letters and telegrams.
  • complex number calculator

    complex number calculator
    this was considered to be the first ancient desktop computer invented. even though its title doesnt fit into computers,back then calculators were thought of as computers
  • German Z3 Computer

    German Z3 Computer
    this was the Germans first computer. not much is known of it, but it was also destroyed in a bombing raid. which resulted in future construction of a new z3 which is currently displayed at the deutsches museum in munich
  • first mouse computer

    first mouse computer
    this was the first desktop computer with an operating mouse. even though it may not look like it. it is a more updated computer compared to that time and years before that.