Computer History

By jguyer
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    The first freely programable computer is made by Konrad Zuse. I did this because it is the first real computer, which is really important.
  • Period: to

    History of computer

  • Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper Harvard Mark I Computer

    Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper Harvard Mark I Computer
    The Harvard Mark 1 computer is invented. This is important, because it is a faster, and somewhat less complicated.
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    First commercial computer and able to pick presidential winners. The reason why I chose this is because, this computer can pick presidential winners, so the votes can gets tallied faster.
  • IBM creates their first computer

    IBM creates their first computer
    IBM is created and makes its first computer. I chose this because IBM is now a huge company, and this is their biggest milestone so far.
  • First computer game

    First computer game
    Steve Russell and MIT invented the first computer game. I chose this because computer games are HUGE now, and this is the start of it.
  • Computer mouse & Windows

    Computer mouse & Windows
    The first computer mouse was produced, and so was windows. It was nicknamed the moused, because the tail came out the back. I chose this because the mouse is one of the biggest part to a computer.
  • Intel 1103 computer memory

    Intel 1103 computer memory
    The first dynamicRAM was created by Intel. This is important because this now lets things become faster.
  • Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers

    Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers
    These are the first Apple computers. This is important because Apple is on of the biggest companys now.
  • IBM- Home PC

    IBM- Home PC
    This is the first computer that you have at home, and it doesn't take up to much space. This is important because now people can buy computers that don't take up a whole room, and are still fast.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The first home computer computer with a GUI, graphical user interface. I chose this because this is a milestone for computers, and all milestones should be remembered.