
  • herman holler

    founder of tbh
  • 21 computer

    mechanical caluter
  • 1st generation computer

    used vaccum tubes to store data
  • unirac

    first commercially successful
  • jack kilbu

    invented integrated circuits
  • 3rd generation computer

    used intergated circute to store
  • charles babbos

    concept of programming lansom
  • basic

    high level programming language
  • intro of the gul

    made ineractins with a comp
  • altair computer

    first personel computer
  • bill gates

    creator of microsoft
  • appleII

    first highly succesful mass porden
  • wordstar

    first word processor
  • vigicate

    first electronic spreadsheet
  • osborne

    first dop resistant computer
  • 4th computer generation

    used microprocessor to store data
  • pagemaker

    first desktop publish
  • excel

    first spread sheet to use storing
  • netocape

    became an open source
  • mosaic

    frist successful high speed
  • eniac

    first successful high speed