Computer Decade

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  • iPod

    The first iPod was created by Steve Jobs and was released in November of 2001. While it wasn't the first MP3 it offered Apple to expand and increase its customer base. The first iPod could fit about 1,000-2,000 songs depending on the storage. The later versions would be able to hold 40,000 songs
  • Wii

    The Wii was first introduced in November 2006. The Wii is a gaming console by Nintendo who competes against Xbox and PlayStation. This computer helped shape gaming consoles as the controls were wireless and multiple games were able to be played. It also allowed group play on one device.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    Steve Jobs released the iPhone to the public. It was originally mentioned in a speaker event in January but offically released in June. This was a breaking point for Apple and kicked off the iPhone and smartphone eras.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    The Amazon Kindle was introduced in 2007. It was created by Lab126 which is a subsidiary of Amazon. The Amazon Kindle was a computer that allowed to read books electronically. While it wasn't the first of its kind, it impacted the eBook market. It also helped Amazon in the tech field as they later created Amazon Prime, Amazon Echo, and TVs.
  • Roku

    The Roku was introduced in 2008. It made streaming tv shows and movies easier. The Roku allowed people to expand their options through apps like Netflix and Hulu. This paved the way for monthly subscription streaming services compared to cable services. The Roku is an online device, as long as what you want to watch can be found online, it can be found on the Roku.