First Invention
- 1994
- Sony Playstation
- Ken Kutaragi
- Enable people to play games and be able to entertain themselves with games and apps
Second Invention
- 1996
- Nintendo 64
- Developed by Nintendo
- Allowed for children enjoyment and enable games to create creative and out of the box thinking
Third Invention
- 1996
- DVDs
- Sony Corporation, Phillip's Electronics, Etc.
- Allowed for softwares or movies to be put into discs that would then be able to play and distribute across the nation
Fourth Invention
- Created in 1997
- Camera Phone
- Philippe Kahn
- It created memories and events to be able to be remembered forever
Last Invention
- 1999
- USB Flash Drive
- Ajay V. Bhatt
- Used to store information in a small plug in chip and be able to transfer the information to any computer device.