computer apps

  • telephone

    sourcetelephones are used to contacted people that you need to and now you can text them and you are also aloud to send pictures.
  • television

    source television was a tecnology that you were abale to watch funny shows and watch movies with it.
  • 1940s computers

    1940s computers
    source In 1940, Stibitz demonstrated the CNC at an American Mathematical Society conference held at Dartmouth College. Stibitz stunned the group by performing calculations remotely on the CNC using a Teletype connected via special telephone lines.
  • 1950s computers

    1950s computers
    source It held 1 million bits on its magnetic drum, the earliest magnetic storage devices. Drums eventually stored as many as 4,000 words and retrieved any one of them in as little as five-thousandths of a second
  • 1955s computers

    1955s computers
    source It contained nearly 800 transistors. Enabled the machine to operate on fewer than 100 watts, or one-twentieth the power required by comparable vacuum tube computers

    sourcewas one of the worlds first operational packet switching networks. the networks was finally funded by the advanced research project angency.
  • 1970s computers

    1970s computers
    sourceThe personal computer graphical user interface, Ethernet, the laser printer, and object-oriented programming. PARC attrached some of the united states and the top scientist and produced many groundbreaking inventions.
  • apple

    sourceIs an American multinational corporation headquartered. That designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers.
  • wifi

    sourcethe first wireles was under the name of wavelan. the 802.11 standard uses a large number of patents held by many diffrenet organizations.
  • bluetooth

    sourcein 1994 a group of engineers at ericsson invented a wireless communcation technolgy. in 1998 the orginal group of promoter compaines came together to form the bluetooth.
  • eniac invented

    eniac invented
    source the enaic was invented for military purpose during WWII to launch missiles. the machine was the size of a room and cost $500,000 to build it.
  • google

    source google is an american multinational specializing in internet related services and products. the include online advertising tecnoliges.
  • ipod touches

    ipod touches
    sourceIs a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. Ipods are used for going on the internet and to play games
  • facebook

    sourcefacebook is a website for people to communicate on and see pictures that people have posted. they can post anything they really want.
  • youtube

    youtube is a website were people can post videos and they are funny, sad, and scary. people can post whatever what they want.